#gender inequality

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6 days ago
Women in technology

Female artists have always been practically invisible a groundbreaking show is putting that right | Katy Hessel

Victorian women in the 1850s faced significant challenges, being practically invisible and not taken seriously as professionals in a male-dominated society. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
1 week ago
Women in technology

How many female veterans live in California? And in which counties? See our interactive map

Women are increasingly contributing to the veteran population in the U.S., showing growth in numbers and proportions. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 week ago
Women in technology

3 lies women are taught to believe about money

The socialization around money instills limiting beliefs in women that hinder their financial empowerment. [ more ]
1 month ago
Women in technology

How Digital Entrepreneurship is Helping Women Shatter the Glass Ceiling | Entrepreneur

The glass ceiling is a well-known inequality in the business world, making it more challenging for women to reach top positions. [ more ]
TNW | Future-Of-Work
1 month ago
Women in technology

Study shows 'benevolent sexism' in startups widens the gender gap

Subtle forms of sexist biases can accumulate in entrepreneurship affecting women's advancement and representation. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Opinion | A Simple Act of Defiance Can Improve Science for Women

Women scientists face challenges balancing career and motherhood, leading many to leave full-time work after having children. [ more ]
1 month ago

Jam is not the problem for Meghan Markle | Letter

The public eye is ruinous, especially for women. [ more ]
2 months ago

The Liberal party does not have a women problem'. Men are the problem | Amy Remeikis

The Liberal party faces a problem with men not wanting to cede space to women for opportunities.
The preselection process within the Liberal party favors men over women, leading to a lack of female representation. [ more ]
3 months ago

Museums Without Men: my project to end their shocking gender imbalance

Gender imbalance in art museums persists despite some progress being made over the years.
The activism of feminist scholars, pressure from the public, and increased representation of women in powerful positions are influencing museums to make positive changes. [ more ]
Design Milk
5 months ago
Web design

Book Designer Michael Russem on Why "Everything Is Garbage"

The history of printing and book design is often filled with poor design, but there have always been a few highlights.
Designer Janet Halverson has not received the public recognition she deserves for her iconic book covers. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
5 months ago

Sexism Is Everywhere

Sexism is pervasive in workplaces, manifesting through biases in appearance, behavior, and parental leave policies.
Recognizing and confronting sexism in the workplace can be challenging, especially when faced with subtle biases and unjust evaluations. [ more ]
6 months ago

This Woman's Research On The Science Behind Objectification Is Mind-Blowing

Objectification is when a person is treated as less-than-human and more like an object.
Objectification in the brain causes people to treat women as less-than-human.
Objectification predicts reduced perceptions of suffering, reduced sentencing for perpetrators, and reduced blame for harm. [ more ]
New York Post
6 months ago

How did America become a deadlier place for men?

Life expectancy in the US has dropped for both genders, but especially men.
Men are worse off and falling further behind in terms of well-being.
Women are outliving men by 5.8 years as of 2021. [ more ]
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